クリスティン・ポープのインスタグラム(kris10pope) - 6月15日 03時58分

Baby Scarlett’s Birth Story 💓
Wow! 1 week in to Mom of a newborn life 😳 - definitely a challenge and the struggle is real over here but loving every minute of highs and lows as we learn together. Add on the fact that I am recovering from surgery and baby girl had to have Jaundice treatment! Eek! I ended up having to have a c-section - the scenario I hoped wouldn’t happen: did. Baby’s heart tones got funky and I was sent for an ultrasound at 39 wks which showed my amniotic fluid getting super low - got an IV at the hospital to try to buy some time for labor to start on it’s own - but the fluid dropped again. The doctors said baby needed out NOW... the first of two times I would hear this. So off for an induction I went! I labored for 40 hours (30 of which were unmedicated) before baby got stuck in the birth canal and it was quickly becoming an emergency situation because she was having decells. So off we went to get baby out NOW and I went through a very traumatic rushed C-section experience up until the moment my doctor pulled down the curtain and I saw my girl lifted up being gifted to me like the scene in the lion king. Every ounce of pain and frustration I had experienced thus far faded away. The first time I heard her cry. The second I got to hold her for the first time. Seeing my husband bond with her while I got stitched up. These moments in time will never fade; it was unlike anything I had ever experienced or felt so I have no way to describe it. I’m so in love, and so awe struck that I created this beautiful little girl from scratch. Nothing went to plan and honestly I’m glad that it didn’t. I believe everything happens for a reason and I have even greater appreciation for my new badge and title of Mom now, and a badass scar to go along with it. 🤘🏼


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