クレア・ホルトのインスタグラム(claireholt) - 6月15日 20時39分

#Repost @ayanagabriellelage ・・・
When is it ok to post “normal” stuff again?⁣⁣
I had this conversation with my social media clients this week, and I figured some of you might be wondering the same thing. After all, it’s jarring to scroll through Instagram and see a filtered selfie or #OOTD next to videos of police brutality.⁣⁣
I saw a comment last night that made my heart sink — someone thanking a white influencer for sharing something not about racism. “It’s a breath of fresh air to see something lighthearted,” they said.
I am profoundly jealous of you if you found out about systemic racism in the last two weeks. It’s a privilege to learn about it instead of living it, and it baffles me that some white people are already tired.⁣⁣
But where does that leave us? Should you feel guilty if you want to share a picture of your latte instead of a call to action?⁣⁣
The hashtags will stop trending. People will move on. I don’t care when your social media feed returns to its regularly scheduled content, but I challenge you to not let this viral movement become a distant memory.⁣⁣
👉🏾 Set up recurring donations to Black nonprofits (if you’re able).⁣⁣ Patronize Black-owned businesses.
👉🏾 Have hard conversations with your employer, your church, your organizations if there’s a lack of diversity in leadership.⁣⁣
👉🏾 Continue to call out the racists in your life & to examine your own biases.
👉🏾 Keep tabs on local officials, and vote out leaders who don’t hold police accountable.⁣⁣
Call me a hopeless optimist, but change starts with us — and it’s bigger than black squares, or following Black creators, or signing one petition. There’s a lot of work to be done. Let’s do it. [📸: @affordablebyamanda] #blacklivesmatter


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