キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 6月16日 04時32分

Recently I was offered the opportunity to ask Vice President @joebiden some questions to challenge him on some of the issues that are most pressing to me and my peers right now. I hesitated because I know people might be quick to judge this as a political endorsement, but then I thought about it and realized that I am a host. I interview people for a living and we millennials deserve to be heard someway somehow. I did this to help myself and hopefully others get more engaged in the conversation before we cast our votes this November and I am willing to ask the same questions to anybody else trying to be in a position of power that cares to hear what we think. I would never tell anyone what to believe but I will always try to encourage myself and others to speak out and be heard. Whatever your beliefs are, no matter where you stand on the issues of today, I urge you to take control of your destiny and VOTE. It is one of the most powerful ways to use your voice and the way we can all create the changes we want to see in the world together. It is hard and it can be confusing, but don’t get discouraged. I’m right there with you. ❤️


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