マーロン・ウェイアンズのインスタグラム(marlonwayans) - 6月22日 05時52分

Happy father’s to the dad of all dads. Thank you for making us the men that we are. You are an example of God’s work. I once asked my dad “what did you want to be when you got older? A fireman? A lawyer? A doctor?” My Dad took a beat and said “A man”. And i said “what’s a man? You have a penis don’t that make you a man?” My dad said “a man takes care of himself and his family. He owns responsibility and delivers the daily necessities for his family at all cost. There’s a lot of grown boys that have penises but only a man handles his responsibilities”. And from that day on my perspective switched MAN first ACTOR WRITER PRODUCER COMEDIAN second. Thank you Pop. Love you for life


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