デヴィッド・ヘンリーのインスタグラム(davidhenrie) - 6月22日 08時14分

Wow. It was about 3 years ago you got me ready for my wedding, poppa. However, this picture represents so much more than this moment...you didn’t merely get me ready for my wedding, you got me ready each and everyday in the 27 years of my life that preceded it. It was in that time I witnessed a man who would stop at nothing to love, provide for and protect his family. This photo brings a smile to my face cause it really does encapsulate what parenthood truly is...a constant, loving preparation of one’s own children to one day be ready to go out on his own and start his own life/family...and now that I have my own family, it’s my hope that I can show my children the same shining example of fatherhood that you showed me. I love you poppa, thank you always putting us first.

PC: @christineskariphotography
#HappyFathersDay #FathersDay


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