MiChiのインスタグラム(michimadness) - 6月22日 12時03分

Nearly 8 months Sober!!! Coffee is my new Drug 🖤
I mostly stick to one a day, but it’s a nice little treat to look forward to.
This is probably the longest I have been without Alcohol since I was a teenager, I didn’t have a huge problem with Alcohol (ok, maybe I did) but I knew that I was starting to become dependent on it whenever I wanted to escape, or avoid what I’m feeling in the moment. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made - It was not easy but it can be done. I read a book called ‘This Naked Mind’ by Annie Grace and that’s when things really clicked and I could let it go without any descipline. Not waking up without a hangover is bliss. I never want to feel that way again, headache, nausea, crippling anxiety. I’m surprised I survived it all, over and over.
For anyone struggling with alcohol or questioning your relationship with it, I really recommend this book - give it a read, nothing to loose 🤍.
8ヶ月、大したことないやんっ!って思うかもしれないけど、昔飲んでた量を考えると奇跡✨ ずっと辞めたいと思ってたけど、ほぼ毎日飲む習慣だったし、付き合いもあるし中々踏み出せなかったけど、とある日この本 ‘This Naked Mind’ - Annie Grace に出会って考えが180度変わった。無理なく辞めれたと言うから、もう飲みたくなくなった。人生で本当に良い決断だった。もう2度と二日酔いと言う地獄を体験しなくて良いと思うとほんと幸せ。
一生飲まないとは言わないけど (人生何があるかわからんからね😘) とりあえず8ヶ月 Alcohol Free に乾杯🔥.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




