ロン・ハワードのインスタグラム(realronhoward) - 7月1日 00時56分

I can’t believe it’s been 25 years since #Apollo13 was released in theaters. I think all of us involved, including the cast led by @TomHanks, @ケヴィン・ベーコン, Ed Harris, @GarySiniseOffical, Bill Paxton and Kathleen Quinlan, recognized from early on that this movie offered a rare opportunity, as both a creative journey and a life experience, which deserved our passionate commitment and effort. I’ve never worked harder or savored any work experience more.

This anniversary also makes me remember friends who I miss tremendously.

Bill Paxton was the first to come on board to play Fred Haise. Through all the training, enduring the zero gravity photography in the “vomit comet,” and days on the refrigerated stage – Bill never complained and never gave anything less than his all. He made us laugh and reminded us each day how frickin’ lucky we were to be telling this story.

I miss James Horner as a friend, an artist and my many time collaborator. His brilliant score bound this film together. I vividly remember visiting the studio with @BrianGrazer and Tom Hanks to listen as James conducted the orchestra. He blew us away with that score. James was part scientist, part explorer, an aviator and at all times an artist. He was an empath who seemed to recognize every emotional shift, and had the talent to reflect the most human of feelings through the music he composed.


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