リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 7月1日 22時06分

#GE2020 is critical. What is at stake:

- Our Lives: We are still in the thick of the fight against COVID-19 and will have to sustain this effort for perhaps a year, or longer.

- Our Jobs: The key focus of the government in the coming months and years must be jobs. We are investing heavily to reskill Singaporeans, and growing our economy to create more good jobs.

- Our Future: Even as we deal with immediate priorities of COVID-19, we must not lose sight of our longer-term mission to improve Singapore.

We will need the best possible leadership and a solidly united population to see us safely through the pandemic and economic pain, and to lead us beyond, into better days ahead.

Generations of Singaporeans have trusted in the PAP, and worked with us to build this country. Your support has been our biggest strength, and the PAP has never let you down.

I ask you once again to give me and my PAP team your mandate, so that we can face the crisis of a generation together, and carve out Singapore’s place in the world anew. – LHL



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