村上隆のインスタグラム(takashipom) - 7月2日 09時32分


Thanks to all this, I have been managing to keep up my activity as a popular artist, but I have never been complacent about my situation. Instead, I have constantly been thinking how I might become the mirror that reflects this era and have been doing everything in my power to simultaneously execute every and all such ideas.

I mentioned how my company has faced the possibility of bankruptcy in the video about abandoning my film project, yet we have in fact been facing this very risk at the end of every single month—it’s a routine, and a terrifying one at that. I have always been pouring whatever funds I have into every imaginable project.
Needless to say, in the past few months of the pandemic, not just me but numerous company owners around the world must have been going through tough times, scrambling to stay afloat.

So to come back to the question of what an artist is, if I were to posit that they must be a living proof of an era, then vividly depicting my suffering and struggles in this present chaos is also a job I must execute. And so I forge ahead with my endeavors while literally making a fool of myself for all to see.

These images show the production of my large-scale sculpture in progress. I have been funding this production entirely on my own. The work is being made at #WallaWallaFoundry in Washington State in the U.S., and it had been scheduled to be completed in May. Now, its completion has be postponed until this fall.
When plans get upended and the future becomes unpredictable, what choices should an artist make? How shall they choose to live?

In the future, after my death, it will become clear whether all this commotion was for something worthwhile, or whether I was merely an artist full of foolishness.
I am 58 now, so I wouldn't live another 40 years at the most; you’ll be able to examine the result relatively soon. So in the meantime, please continue speculating as you wish and wait for the verdict.

translation @tabi_the_fat


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




