マーモットのインスタグラム(marmot) - 7月8日 03時32分

"This is why I fell in love with the mountains, they stand as a gatekeeper between dreams and reality, a roadblock that with persistence, unknown outcomes far from what we thought possible can be achieved.

Not everyone has the access or capability to summit 8000meter peaks or run ultramarathons but everyone truly can climb their own mountains and immerse themselves into a world of unknown, a world where we can achieve what we thought to be impossible. No matter how small or your insignificant personal goals may seem to others-it’s a known fact we all have our own levels of doubt and fear that we can push through to become stronger individuals. This is how you can find yourself, this is how I found myself, awestruck by the power and sheer beauty of the mountains." - MCA @seth.b.anderson


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