ブリアンナ・ブラウンのインスタグラム(briannabrownkeen) - 7月10日 10時55分

The first time I played a red-head was in CSI where Doug Hutchinson was playing a creeper staring at my character from the ceiling.  Funny enough we both went to the same high school in Apple Valley, Minnesota. In the show his character killed my character and also died her hair red. I was found dead with my head on the toilet with fire-red locks.

I remember I was so psyched for this role and my poor mother had to watch me die on screen for the first...of many times.

Fun Fact: this was a Polaroid!  Back when they did Polaroid stills on set. Boy oh boy was this a long time ago. Since then I’ve been on a version of CSI, four times.  Mostly as a blonde but also as a brunette and red head.



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