カタリーナ・ドゥニのインスタグラム(catalinadenis) - 7月13日 17時17分

To Listen to that voice that whispers to you... She’s there to guide you, she always has your best interest, she wants nothing but the best for you... Not to please others but to LOVE YOURSELF... We have forgotten how to connect to that inner voice, there’s so much noise all around us that sometimes, even when we have the noble intention to listen to that inner voice, we cannot longer find the way and we have a very hard time recognizing our TRUE inner voice... Is this voice coming from my soul or is it the voice of my mother, my father, my partner, my boss, ???? Have you ever felt this? Have you asked yourself this questions?... The absolute JOY and FREEDOM of recognizing your inner truth, your inner voice is your RIGHT!!! Take a moment to stay still, listen, just listen... At the beginning lots of thoughts, lots of voices will come and then, little by little, all the noise around will fade and YOUR INNER VOICE will be the last one standing still.... TRY!!! You will then experience a life where you don’t need to wait until your body is screaming, trough pain or sickness, and you will then learn to listen to yourself when you WANT to do something instead of waiting until you HAVE to do something... The différence is huge!!! Not waiting until you’re so tired you have no other choice but to take a little time
Off and rest... but by that time, you’re so tired that even resting is difficult .. isn’t it?... And we live like this, in a constant battle against OURSELVES !!! You have the choice to stop fighting against yourself, against your body and your mind... Just stay still for a few moments , BREATH, and LISTEN.... It’s THERE... it’s ALL THERE... IN YOU!
Love to all!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



