リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 7月15日 21時38分

This year’s National Day celebrations will be different from what we’ve been used to. It will be a quieter and more sombre affair due to COVID-19. We will hold a scaled-down Parade at the Padang, and Singaporeans can still look forward to their favourite segments like the Red Lions and mobile column taking place in other parts of the island.⠀

And of course, we still have an #NDP2020 theme song. Sung by @nathanhartono, this year’s music video features scenes showcasing the stories of Singaporeans who have selflessly contributed during these tough times. Other stories will be featured during the NDP morning and evening shows.⠀

The themes of togetherness, kindness and gratitude in the song are not new, but during this season, they are all the more important. Let us continue to reach out to one another, to help those in need, and to work together to build our home - the sea of shining crystals in the sand. – LHL⠀



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