イマン・アブドゥルマジドのインスタグラム(the_real_iman) - 7月16日 00時40分

Viola Davis was photographed by @dario.studio — the first Black photographer to shoot a Vanity Fair cover. Davis speaks with V.F. about her extraordinary journey out of poverty and into the stubbornly unequal Hollywood system.

#rp @dario.studio Welcome to my protest.
Thank you @ヴィオラ・デイヴィス for being my co-conspirator. Thank you @Vanity Fair @kirapollack @_tara_johnson @michaeljkramer @radhikajones and art director @natmatsky for this opportunity & for believing in my vision. Thank you to every black woman who’s felt invisible despite being on the front line of every fight. We see you. You are loved, you are powerful, and you are beautiful. This is for you.
Hair @jamikawilson
MUA @autumnmoultriebeauty
Set: @lizzielang
#violadavis #vanityfair #blacklivesmatter


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