アシュリー・ワグナーのインスタグラム(ashwagner2010) - 7月16日 06時11分

I read something today about embracing a “beginner’s mindset”. For so long I’ve celebrated the one particular thing that I’m really good at, and I’ve avoided the unknown because I’m not as confident in my abilities outside of skating. I’ve been avoiding getting @confidencecall up and running because I’ve been scared of failure. I realized though, that that is exactly what @confidencecall is all about. Trusting the process and finding confidence along the way, no matter where you are going. I am so excited to be working on this project and getting it up and running. It’s taking some new twists and turns, and I can’t wait to share what I’m doing! Stay tuned for updates very very soon, but while we’re waiting, what kind of content do you want to see from @confidencecall? I want to create something we all need, so tell me where it needs to go!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




