((English -> 日本語)) Unfortunately do to some miscommunication between the hospital and I, Kuma was unable to get the MRI yesterday. I will meet with the vet after work tonight to get more medicine and discuss rescheduling.🙄 Kuma seems to be in better spirits. He has started to use the muscles on his left side (the good side) to push his upper body up. He is now able to semi-sit up and drink/eat from a bowl. This is very good news. At the very least it means that he is in high spirits. 👍🏾 Even though he is an older dog and at a slightly higher risk during surgery, he's well within healthy margins and I think he will pull through this!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Thank you all for your donations so far. To say I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude is an understatement. 🤎🤎🤎 I made a conscious decision to go back to working two full time jobs earlier this year, so that I wouldn't have to be in situations like this anymore. Obviously COVID had other plans, but I really appreciate everyone helping me, especially during these times.🙏🏾 Love you all so mch, David/Cody 動物病院とのコミュニケーションミスのせいで昨日はMRIできなかったけど、今夜仕事終わったら一回樹医さんとあって、MRIをリスケして、薬をもらいます!🙄 クマは昨日からびっくりするほど元気です。食欲もありますし、水もご飯も皿から食べれるようになりました!何よりは、右側の筋肉を使って寝転がってる状態から上半身立ち上がれるようになりました!左側の後ろのあしもちょこちょこ動かしたりしてます!👍🏾 年齢は年齢だけど、血液検査の結果もよかったし、手術はなんとなく乗り越えられそうな気がします!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 皆さんに本当に心から感謝してます! ありがとうございます!🤎🙏🏾🤎 また何かがあったらここに報告します! ありがとうございます!🤎🤎🤎 ❤︎CODY

cody_brilliantquestさん(@cody_brilliantquest)が投稿した動画 -

Codyのインスタグラム(cody_brilliantquest) - 7月18日 04時08分

((English -> 日本語))

Unfortunately do to some miscommunication between the hospital and I, Kuma was unable to get the MRI yesterday. I will meet with the vet after work tonight to get more medicine and discuss rescheduling.🙄

Kuma seems to be in better spirits. He has started to use the muscles on his left side (the good side) to push his upper body up. He is now able to semi-sit up and drink/eat from a bowl. This is very good news. At the very least it means that he is in high spirits. 👍🏾

Even though he is an older dog and at a slightly higher risk during surgery, he's well within healthy margins and I think he will pull through this!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Thank you all for your donations so far. To say I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude is an understatement. 🤎🤎🤎

I made a conscious decision to go back to working two full time jobs earlier this year, so that I wouldn't have to be in situations like this anymore. Obviously COVID had other plans, but I really appreciate everyone helping me, especially during these times.🙏🏾

Love you all so mch,









>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




