トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 7月20日 23時53分


Yesterday I posted urging folks to vote “yes” to the 2020 deal. I am embarrassed to say that I did that under bad information. After reading through the deal points regarding sex, intimacy and protections for actors who have been asked to engage in those scenes, I was absolutely stunned and horrified to see that our negotiating committee left our membership exposed with “changes” that are woefully inadequate. Frankly, the changes necessary are so obvious, have been discussed, posted about and hash-tagged by everyone in our industry that I couldn’t imagine that significant changes would be or could be left out. I was wrong to make that assumption. Embarrassingly. Once again, the old adage about assumptions rings true.

Given the sacrifices of so many who spoke out about how they have suffered exploitation and assault on and off set, I was disgusted to see in the deal 1) the AMPTP’s pathetic and absolutely shameful offerings and 2) gravely disappointed at the committee’s inexcusable acceptance of those terms.

We send our negotiators into these meetings not just to protect our financial well-being, which I believe they did in this deal, but most importantly to protect US, our actual physical well-being from abuse and exploitation. That they failed to do so is unconscionable. That I failed to do the easy, requisite work to see this before advocating for the deal is a tremendous disappointment, one that I will rectify.

I cannot in good conscience ask anyone to vote yes on this deal that falls far, far short on one of the most important subjects facing our industry today. #VoteNo


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