((ENGLISH->日本語)) I just admitted Kuma to the pet hospital today. After talking with the vet, we decided that even though surgery isn’t without it’s risks, it was worth giving him a chance to walk again. There are many complications that could arise from a surgery involving the neck. So please pray/send energy/light a candle/whatever you do for us please. He stays in the hospital for prep and observation tonight, we go to visit him in the morning, and then he has surgery in the afternoon. Thank you to everyone who donated, sent messages, mailed cards. I really appreciate all the love and support. Keep us in your thoughts over the next few days. クマちゃんは今日から入院、明日手術です。獣医さんと話して、色々相談して、手術しないよりかはした方がまた歩けるようになる可能性が高いとのことでしたので、やります。色んなリスクもあるけど、今のままだと可哀想なので、やることにしました。 今日一日中入院して、明日面会しに行って、明日の昼から首に手術です。 お金を寄付した皆さん、メッセージを送ってくれた皆さん、手紙を書いてくれた皆さん、本当にありがとうございます。ちゃんと日本語で伝えないけど、心から感謝してます。 この2日間が大事なので一緒に成功を祈ってください。よろしくお願い致します。

cody_brilliantquestさん(@cody_brilliantquest)が投稿した動画 -

Codyのインスタグラム(cody_brilliantquest) - 7月23日 13時11分

I just admitted Kuma to the pet hospital today. After talking with the vet, we decided that even though surgery isn’t without it’s risks, it was worth giving him a chance to walk again. There are many complications that could arise from a surgery involving the neck. So please pray/send energy/light a candle/whatever you do for us please.

He stays in the hospital for prep and observation tonight, we go to visit him in the morning, and then he has surgery in the afternoon.

Thank you to everyone who donated, sent messages, mailed cards. I really appreciate all the love and support.
Keep us in your thoughts over the next few days.






>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




