ブルック・バトラーのインスタグラム(brookieserene) - 7月26日 08時00分

I am someones daughter 🤍 I am a child of God. I am joyful. I am full of light. I love people. I love laughing. Taking this downtime to get to know who I am, and remembering to let the spirit God gave me shine even on the rainiest days. To not let the world make me hard. To continue to learn, grow, and evolve. I want to be an example. I want my children and the children of the next generation to grow up in a world where relationships and life is celebrated above all. Where kindness is a reflex. Where we see the spirit before anything else. Where mistakes are okay. Where even when we turn 30, 50, 80 we still remain childlike in our love of the world and take time to do the things we love, and appreciate those that help our light shine brighter. I hope if you’re reading this you do something you love today that you haven’t thought of in years. I’d love to know what it is! Please share ❤️. And do something kind for someone today!


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