倉永美沙のインスタグラム(misakuranaga) - 7月26日 11時16分

After 4 months of being locked in a cage, I finally had my first show in a actual space. And to collaborate with the musicians who really feel and put their souls into every note was so special. Past 4 months was series of ups and downs. No being able to perform, not being able to properly train my body in studios, not being able to dance with my favorite people, uncertainty of the future of performing arts... I felt like my identity was disappearing, my soul was almost dead. But today, I felt my life was back as a performer. I loved the feeling of all the cells of my body is activated to support my dancing 🌟 I missed it so much! A huge thanks to @yesjonah for giving me this opportunity and letting me sync to his beautiful artistry! Art heals us!!! Thank you to @juliamrowe @allegramolto @monahankevin
今日はダンサーとして自由を失ってから4か月ぶりに観客無しのライブストリーミングで舞台に立ちました。舞台だけではなく、スタジオでの練習もできない、大好きなパートナーとも踊れない、これからの予定も立たない状況で全てを取り上げられたように感じ、自分の一部が死んだような感じでもありました。今日再び舞台に立てて、やはり自分はパフォーマーなんだと再確認。まだまだ状況は変わらないけど変われる人から変わっていかなければならないのだなと思います。#shelterinplace #ballet #ballerina #ballerinalife #happy #happiness #dance #art #幸せ #バレエ #バレリーナ #rehearsal #work #season #covid_19 #shelterinnplacelife #サンフランシスコ #屋内避難生活 #class #socialdistance #music #dance


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