ATSUSHIのインスタグラム(exile_atsushi_official) - 7月28日 19時54分

偶然にも自分のプロジェクトLIVING ROOMで鹿児島県でLIVEさせていただいた時に、AIちゃんとのご縁もあり、鹿児島県の皆さん、そして自分が幼い頃から親が聴いていた長渕剛さんの乾杯を魂込めて歌わせていただいた経験が強く自分の心の中に残っている。
でも、鹿児島でのLIVING ROOMで熱唱させていただいた時の、あの最後の拍手を未だに忘れられない。勝手ながら最後のフレーズ、 "君に幸せあれ" この部分を2回繰り返して唄わせていただきました。しかし、その繰り返す2回目にボクは自分の口からマイクを外し、魂の叫びとして、喉が枯れてもイイくらいの気持ちで、会場にいらしてくださったみなさんに向けて、大声で唄わせていただきました。いや叫ばせていただきました



Apologies for the late update.

The first song I chose to sing for the musicians relief project “MAJP”, was “Kanpai”, a song by Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi san.

I’m sure many you have heard this song before. Coming across such a legendary song like this is such a precious thing for a singer.
Perhaps Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi san experienced many hurdles in life until he finally met this treasure of a song.

I actually had the opportunity to sing this song for my LIVING ROOM project when I was in Kagoshima.
With the friendship I have with AI, the fans in Kagoshima, and the memories of my parents listening to this song when I was young, I sang it from the bottom of my soul and until this day it’s still a great memory.
I’m telling you… it’s not an easy song to sing and it’s not a song to sing easily. The spirit Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi san puts into his song is something indescribable and it needs to be respected. It also tells me that I need to look back at myself carefully and at the same time step my game up.

The ovation I received after I sang “Kanpai” in Kagoshima was very special and I still clearly remember it to this day. I actually sang the last phrase “Kimi ni shiawase are” twice and the on the second one I screamed it without using my mic. I felt a need to express with my whole self.

“Kimi ni shiawase are” (Wishing all of you happiness)

I want to send these words to all human beings currently at the mercy of the COVID-19 crisis.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




