詩歩さんのインスタグラム写真 - (詩歩Instagram)「🚢   佐渡島の南端に位置する「宿根木(しゅくねぎ)」の町並み。  国の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区に指定されている密集した街並みが「板壁」なのですが、なぜだか分かりますか?  実はこの板は、船板として使用されていた板が外壁として使われたもの!😳  宿根木は、佐渡金山が繁栄した17世紀、そして北前船が寄港した江戸〜明治にかけて「船大工」の街として発達した、当時の面影を今に残す貴重な街並みなんです。  人がやっとすれ違えるくらいの細い道が入り組んでて、お散歩が楽しい! 気の向くまま歩いていると「あ、またこの家だ!」と再会するくらいコンパクトなエリアです。 公開されている民家や、カフェになっている建物もありますよ。  1枚目の写真は、宿根木でいちばんのフォトスポット「三角家」。  「塩」の看板が目印なんですが、注目すべくはその形。 写真で分かる通り、見事な鋭角なんです!👏  限られた土地を最大限に活用するようにこの形に作られていて、なんとつい最近まで実際にお住まいだったとか。  吉永小百合さんの有名なポスターもここで撮られていたので、真似してポーズを撮ってみました📷(全然似てない…)   ①「三角家」 ②「石塚」さんの姓が軒下飾りに。ここは1日1組限定のお宿(「伊三郎」) ③歩くのが楽しい細い路地 ④板壁にアジサイが映える ⑤街を見守る道祖神   宿根木は今も多くの方がお住まいになっているエリアです。マナーを守って見学させてもらいましょう😌   ▼ 佐渡汽船さんのお仕事で佐渡島をリポートしています!このTagをつけていくのでぜひみてね #shiho_sado   Shukunegi village on Sado Island.  The densely packed townscape designated as a national important traditional building preservation area is called "Itakabe".These planks were actually boards that were used as ship planks and then used as an outer wall!Shukunegi developed as a town of ship builders from the 17th century when Sado gold mine flourished, and from the Edo period to the Meiji period when Kitamae ships came to port.  The streets are so narrow that people can barely pass each other, and it's fun to walk down them! As I walked along at will, I was like, "Oh, it's the house again! The area is so compact that you will be reunited with it.Some of the houses are open to the public and some of the buildings have been turned into cafes.  The first photo is of Triangle House, the most popular photo spot in Shukunegi.  It is marked by a signboard that says "Salt", but what you should pay attention to is the shape. As you can see from the photo, it's a great sharp angle! It was built in this shape to make the most of the limited land available, and to my surprise, he actually lived here until recently. The famous poster of Sayuri Yoshinaga was also taken here, so I tried to imitate her pose 📷 (not at all similar...)  Shukunegi is an area where many people still live. Let's just use our manners and take a tour!😌    🙏佐渡へ旅行しようと思っている方へのお願い 政府や佐渡市が発表している新型コロナウイルスの最新情報を確認ください   📷July 📍宿根木(しゅくねぎ)/新潟 佐渡島 📍Shukunegi villag」7月29日 21時12分 - shiho_zekkei

詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 7月29日 21時12分













▼ 佐渡汽船さんのお仕事で佐渡島をリポートしています!このTagをつけていくのでぜひみてね

Shukunegi village on Sado Island.

The densely packed townscape designated as a national important traditional building preservation area is called "Itakabe".These planks were actually boards that were used as ship planks and then used as an outer wall!Shukunegi developed as a town of ship builders from the 17th century when Sado gold mine flourished, and from the Edo period to the Meiji period when Kitamae ships came to port.

The streets are so narrow that people can barely pass each other, and it's fun to walk down them!
As I walked along at will, I was like, "Oh, it's the house again! The area is so compact that you will be reunited with it.Some of the houses are open to the public and some of the buildings have been turned into cafes.

The first photo is of Triangle House, the most popular photo spot in Shukunegi.

It is marked by a signboard that says "Salt", but what you should pay attention to is the shape. As you can see from the photo, it's a great sharp angle! It was built in this shape to make the most of the limited land available, and to my surprise, he actually lived here until recently. The famous poster of Sayuri Yoshinaga was also taken here, so I tried to imitate her pose 📷 (not at all similar...)

Shukunegi is an area where many people still live. Let's just use our manners and take a tour!😌


📍宿根木(しゅくねぎ)/新潟 佐渡島
📍Shukunegi villag


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