ソフィア・ブッシュのインスタグラム(sophiabush) - 7月31日 06時24分

Today is #WorldDayAgainstTrafficking. While there are multiple resources, profiles to follow, and linked articles for you to read in the TRAFFICKING highlight on my profile page, I want to repeat some crucial information here.

@polarisproject’s research shows that at any given time there are 25 models of human trafficking at work, crisscrossing the globe. And the work of @a21 and @enditmovement illuminate that trafficking doesn’t look the way we think it does. Most trafficked humans aren’t snatched by some nefarious person they don’t know. They are groomed over time by people who they believe love them. They are most often already at risk people with a history of trauma. It’s easier to imagine some dramatic action movie style plot of evil, and harder to come to terms with the reality that it could be your kids’ gym coach (@athleteafilm) or a new neighbor who came to town during an oil boom (Windie Jo Lazenko’s story in @TIME Magazine). It looks more like kids who’ve been raped by a family member becoming more susceptible to emotional and sexual abuse afterward. This is hard to sit with. To understand. But we must.

It’s crucial, especially if you are just now becoming aware of this age old global travesty, to show up and work with organizations you can learn from, and trust to teach you facts. Misinformation and conspiracy theories have turned their lens on trafficking as their latest way to cause chaos and this truly shocking (and in my opinion downright evil) “trend” is having dangerous effects on the actual work being done to save trafficked people. The FBI has designated these conspiracy theorists as domestic terrorists, so please do not get misguided by them. If you care about this issue (and literally how could you not???) please show up to help the helpers. The actual helpers. Get educated. Learn the warning signs, and take the available resources into your homes and around your dinner tables. Talk to your kids. Volunteer for the groups doing the work. Raise money. Donate if you’re able. Share information @a21 @enditmovement @polarisproject @unwomen @equalitymodelny @thorn @childrescuecoalition and more, and help elevate their literally life-saving work. 🙏🏼♥️


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