トーヴ・ローのインスタグラム(tovelo) - 8月2日 05時19分

We kept the little weirdo ❤️ At the start of quarantine me and my roomies took in a doggy mama and her three puppies that were only one week old. They were found in a ditch by the side of the road. The plan was for us to foster them for a couple of weeks but we fell inlove with the little chonks and kept them for 8 weeks until they were old enough to be adopted. All the puppies are now in great loving homes (yes I cried like a baby when they got adopted)! Poor doggy mama was extremly scared of EVERYTHING when we got her and was very sad when her puppies left. We weren’t planning on keeping her but everyday she’s becoming more and more trusting, cuddly and playful. It took me 3 months to be able to put a leash on her and take her for walks, but now she wakes us up in the morning, wagging her tail and waits by the gate SO ready for her daily stroll. She’s part of the fam now and I’m so grateful to @muttscouts for trusting me with these doggos. So say HIIII to Peggy 😍 and scroll for cuteness!

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