Banana Republic のインスタグラム(bananarepublic) - 8月2日 05時35分

"I'm @bamcabral and I run a boutique Inclusion and Diversity strategy company called Cabral Co.

While conversations about privilege and Black identity are percolating, I thought it was important to explore a couple of important things that are key to getting antiracism and allyship work, right.

One, get acquainted with your own privilege so that you can both own it and use it to open doors and create visibility and access for those who are dealing with the impacts of systemic oppression. Sometimes privilege isn't a result of something you did or worked for, but instead, it is tied to an aspect of your identity that you had no control over - in my case, that is being a light-skinned Black woman. Even if you didn't choose it, it is still important to be responsible about how you use your privilege.

Second, I wanted to touch on colorism. Colorism, like most if of the -isms we hear are systems of oppression. Colorism is a global phenomenon that messages to people with Brown or Dark Brown complexions that they are unattractive, incapable or even unintelligent and messages to light-skinned people believe their complexions are attractive, ideal, and acceptable. I hate the system of colorism, but I am apart of it and have work to do as a person who receives favor because of it.

When I considered what message I wanted to send for Banana Republic’s Amplify Voices, I wanted to address something complex, but also something I think many aren't brave enough to talk about. As we all learning how to be better allies and advocates, bravery is essential.

How are you using your privilege to be a better ally, today?"

Amber Cabral • Inclusion Strategist, Certified Coach, Writer and Speaker


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