MULGAのインスタグラム(mulgatheartist) - 8月3日 07時51分

The story of Captain Brendan Budgy⁣

Once there was a budgy and he owned a beautiful little sailing boat called 'Sparkles' and he once sailed it around the world with his best friend Tony the Cat. One time in the middle of the Pacific Ocean they ran out of food and Tony the Cat nearly ate Captain Brendan because a budgy is one of a cats favourite foods and Tony the Cat was really hungry but luckily Captain Brendan was good at fishing and he caught some fishes for lunch and Captain Brendan was spared to live another day. They had many exciting times on their voyage and when they got home they even co-wrote a book about it called "That time I nearly got eaten by my best friend when I was sailing around the world - Recollections of Captain Brendan Budgy".⁣

The End⁣

You can check out Captain Brendan Budgy yourself in the @budgysmuggler store in Manly. ⁣

#mulgatheartist #budgysmuggler #budgieart #captain #muralart

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