南博のインスタグラム(hiroshi_minami5_0) - 8月5日 04時04分

ZOOMでのレッスン About the lesson with Zoom

今までもface timeでレッスンを行なって来ましたが、zoomで更に環境の良いレッスンができる様になりました。こちらのピアノの鍵盤を映しながらの説明が可能となりました。





Zoom lessons available from all over the world.
Since the COVID-19 crisis began I’ve begun teaching lessons virtually. Recently, I’ve made several improvements to my studio and will be using Zoom for virtual lessons. Now, students will be able to see the piano keyboard and get explanations from multiple angles.
I offer Jazz lessons in English and welcome students from anywhere in the world. I teach beginner and intermediate pianists (I’m also available to teach other Jazz instruments). Depending on your level, we’ll focus on basic to advanced theory, finger training, chords, scales, improvised ideas, and composition.
If you’re interested, please reach out by email about setting up a trial lesson.
Teacher: Hiroshi Minami (music degree: piano performance at Berklee College of Music)
Over 30 years experience as a Professional Pianist and 20 years of Teaching Experience.

Interested in learning jazz piano or music which uses a chord symbols?
From Beginners through Advanced, accepting students of all ages and levels.

The basic chord progression is essential not only for jazz but also for pops, etc.
Based on Rational Principles of Pianoforte Technique by Alfred Cortot, you will learn many finger
exercises to aid in the development of various aspects of piano playing technique, and I will also t
each you with a focus on the harmony and the chords that I studied under Christian Jacob at Berklee.

Hope to hear from you soon!

For more information, please email to: info@minamihiroshi.com



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