マーモットのインスタグラム(marmot) - 8月6日 03時47分

Last week we hiked up Whitefish Mountain, not 'Big Mountain' as in the resort, but Whitefish Mountain that is north of town in the Glacier View District.  
One of my favorite things about this area is the views you get looking into the park! Id most definitely say they are jaw dropping.   
I keep finding myself wanting to live further and further north. Mainly because the peaks get rockier, the air gets cooler, and you can almost always find snow year round.  
An endless winter! ❄  
On our hike I found a patch of snow for our pooch to play in, she's a true snow hound if you can't tell from the photo! 🐕 I may have tried some shoe skiing myself.  
Also I have not hiked a day without wearing my @マーモット Limantour pants. Best part is that I don't get pricked by thorns when I'm bushwhacking to the top of a mountain... did I mention there's no trail to this peak? You start by following a trail and then veer off for an uphill jaunt and a ridge walk to the top 💃  
#MarmotClubAmbassador #EndlessWinter


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