松島エミのインスタグラム(emimatsushima) - 8月6日 06時57分

Dealing.with.anxiety. It’s real🙈 Feelings of uneasiness definitely arise more recently. Even though I’m generally a very happy person. I like to challenge myself and constantly put myself out of my comfort zone so that’s probably also why, plus’s there is just so much going on!! But compared to when I was in my early 20s I (think) I now have the wisdom to let myself know that, like all things it’s going to pass and I can accept it and manage to let it flow through and out of me with breathing and movement. Even just laying on the ground and breathing with awareness or doing simple moves/stretches led by your body that feel good to you can help so much for the mind-body connection and to regain a feeling of groundedness :)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




