マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 8月9日 10時11分

Hey y’all. I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude for all of you who’ve rocking out to the new album Work Hard & Be Nice!!! This is the first summer in 33 years that I haven’t been on tour and it’s been filled with emotional extremes. Wondering how we have managed to eff up the world so bad that we’ve had to put the planet on pause, concern about health, witnessing the empowerment of the black lives matter revolution, wondering how we’re all gonna make it through this insane economic period, and through it all having time to process things that have weighed heavy on my heart, things I’ve always wanted to do creatively but could never find the time for, the uncontrollable belly laughs that have came out of nowhere during the most worrisome moments, new friends, old friends, friends who’ve died🙏🏽and through the highs, lows and healing finding renewed joy in my family and marriage!

What can I say, it’s been a time, and a big part of it has been music. It’s been one of the things I’ve turned to to boost my mood when I’m down or to help turn on the tear faucet when I’ve needed to let things out and the thing that gets Sara, baby Taj and I going with our morning dance parties.

I’m grateful for all of the messages you guys have sent about how the music has moved your hearts and inspired your spontaneity to get up and dance it off when you’ve needed to. So today allow me to thank YOU for letting me be a small part of your lives through song!!! I’m getting ready for the next live stream show on August 15th and am super stoked to see y’all there! Until that time, Sara and I have an inscription inside of our wedding rings, our family motto, “Be your best. Serve the greater good. And rock our wherever you are!” By the way if you’re looking for inspiration follow @saraagahfranti as well, she’s filled with good vibes :) @soulshinebali #workhard&benice #stayhuman #lifeisbetterwithyou #soulrockers


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