ウド・ノイマンのインスタグラム(_udini_) - 8月10日 01時24分

another interesting progression. Also remarkable how the only 2 climbers who could do this move arrive at the same end position. Inspired by #fransbosch I call this an „active efficient attractor“. Talking of Frans Bosch, this is how he sees video analysis: „The quality of movement cannot be read from specific joint angles, for these are too dependent on the situation. Movement depends on abstract principles. These cannot be simply observed, and processing of direct-perception information may play a key role in selecting the right relevant principles. This means that real-life observation cannot be completely replaced by video analyses. Experience plays a key role in analysis.“
Note that he is coming from far better researched activities.
In climbing we need to far more learn about those abstract principles.
#movementresearch #climbingtechniqueofthe21stcentury #ideastoimproveyourclimbing #climbingperformancecoaching #adidasrockstars #bouldering


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