Rose Dixのインスタグラム(roseellendix) - 8月10日 21時00分

I am so excited about our podcast!!!!!!!!!! There are so many people I’d like to thank, but first and foremost, I’d like to start with myself, Queen Frog. Following that, our producer, dare I say queer icon @leiladoesinsta who’s really funny and fantastic at her job. I couldn’t go any further without mentioning @lindablacker who shot all of our promo and artwork but strangely wanted to focus on our feet... Finally, I couldn’t have done this without the love of my life. The one thing that gets me through each day, especially during lockdown. My stripey pyjamas. 

🎧 Listen to episode one using the link in my bio! #RoseandRosiePG

And @roxetera, I love you very much but make you work extremely hard for my affection 💚


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