ジェイ・ショーンのインスタグラム(jaysean) - 8月13日 01時58分

I’m not an American Citizen, and I have often stayed out of American Politics. But I feel moved to say something about the recent events. Seeing the news about Kamala Harris being the first South Asian and Black, Vice Presidential nominee makes me so proud and should give us all even more courage to continue to push forward and break down the cultural bias that has been such an challenge for so many years. Growing up in London as a South Asian kid, I rarely saw Brown faces represented in the films, TV or music and that fact fueled a lot of my inner drive and fire to achieve things that I was told by society that I would not be able to achieve. Now, America has a South Asian and Black Woman running for Vice President. Dreaming big is a real thing. My daughter Ayva can look to Kamala for inspiration. What a great moment for us all. 👏🏾


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