ブライス・ダラス・ハワードのインスタグラム(brycedhoward) - 8月18日 05時22分

Confession Time: My most vivid memory of stage fright was all the way back in third grade at my piano recital in which sheet music was not allowed 😳 I went to play the first chord and missed. I tried again… and played the wrong chord again. With every attempt, I got more and more nervous and by the fourth try, I completely forgot the song and ran off stage crying 😢 Those performance choking moments are shocking and totally stay with you. Even some thirty years later, that little voice of doubt still creeps up every now and then. This is all to say that it’s *really* assuring to know I’m not alone in this feeling — Alex Ferris, this week’s #MuseMonday guest, has his own tales of stage fright to share that you don’t want to miss on the @ninemusesentertainment IGTV.⁣

I first “met” @alexhrferris not when he was in my class, but on the big screen in “The Time Traveler’s Wife”! Alex started off as a performer at a young age and has since become a multi-hyphenate: writer, actor, director, (and Canadian). He’s embracing his writer-self more and is currently an MFA candidate at NYU’s Dramatic Writing Program!⁣

As with many creative pursuits, Alex’s experiences performing and stepping into a new hyphenate had moments of anxiety, but in those moments he realized that “It’s a matter of switching the perspective from you and your performance to the thing. I have to be in service of something else. As soon as it becomes about me or as soon as I remember me, that’s when the questions start to arise.” Essentially, when facing the blank page, open stage, or empty canvas, and especially when performing new hyphenates, it’s important to remember that you are in service of something else, something greater — however you like to think of it. ⁣

This is a powerful reminder for many things in life. When we allow ourselves to be in service of something else, the mind’s distractions fade away and we’re able to do our best work. There are many more insights on this #MuseMonday, so check out parts one and two of Alex’s video on the @ninemusesentertainment IGTV! ⁣

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