チョン・ジャーチーのインスタグラム(jiaqi_zheng123) - 8月27日 23時41分

放棄不難,但堅持一定很酷. 天下不會掉餡餅,只有努力奮鬥才能夢想成真,「當你感到累的時候,其實你是在走上坡路」 這些話是我想對怡靜說的,練到吐,磨到手破腳破,這對選手來說都是家常便飯,但每次怡靜跑去廁所吐完回來都會說我會堅持完成課表👍 你的努力我們看在眼裡!我相信你一定可以成為你想成為的人,加油💪💪

Giving up is the easiest option , but persistence is noble. Nothing in the world comes for free. Only by working hard can dreams come true. "When you are tired, you are actually going uphill." These words are what I want to say to I-Ching. Training to the point of vomiting, grinding until the skin on your hands and feet blister, this is commonplace for pro players, but every time I-Ching runs to the bathroom and returns after vomiting, she insists on not stopping until she has completed the agenda 👍 We see your efforts! I believe you can be who you want to be, come on 💪💪

#挺靜2020 @chengiching.tt #鄭怡靜 #教練視角 #coachesview #謝謝支持怡靜的人也謝謝支持我們的人


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