プラバルグルンのインスタグラム(prabalgurung) - 8月29日 01時44分

#repost @troublewithprabal I have a Dream.

57 years ago on August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech to a massive group of civil rights marchers gathered around the Lincoln memorial in Washington DC.

Today, racism in this country continues to gain fervor and racists are no longer in hiding but, rather, are emboldened. They have not only taken over Congress, the courts, police departments, neighbourhoods etc but have elected one of the biggest racists in this country as their leader, their President.

So, my question to all of us is this:
What are we going to do with our privileges to fight for social justice today, come November and forever?

The fight for social justice is a lifelong commitment, we all know that. What are we doing to amplify and help this movement so it doesn’t become just a moment?

The impermanence of our lives is the absolute truth.

When it’s our time to go we can’t take anything with us. But we can leave behind a world that remembers your legacy.

So, how do you want the world to remember you?
What is your vision for a better, more just world?

What is your dream?



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