村上隆のインスタグラム(takashipom) - 8月30日 09時17分

August 28.
I visited a tea room owned by Kuroda Toen @ginza_kurodatouen in Kamakura. It is located in the area where Rosanjin lived and worked back in his time, having built his studio.
I have been working on a project with Shin Murata @muratashinwolf for the past several years, and we decided to finally present it to the public, specifically through a Japanese magazine called Kogei-Seika @kogei_seika , one of the leading magazines on the Japanese craft scene. And so there we were, everyone involved in the project, for the photo shoot of the work.
Our project was to re-create in the present day the vases made by Rosanjin.
Rosanjin’s vases in question, in the first place, are a series of works he produced by making plaster molds of antiques, casting and firing a number of copies, and creating what he called his original works. There are probably 30 or so of them out there in the world according to the president of Kuroda Toen, the art dealer who specializes in Rosanjin. I became extremely interested in the fact that there is no telling whether these works should be considered originals or copies, and ours is a project to reinterpret Rosanjin's act in the present time.
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鎌倉の黒田陶苑 @ginza_kurodatouen の持つ、茶室へ訪問しました。
ここ数年、村田森 @muratashinwolf さんと進めていたプロジェクトをいよいよ公に開陳しようと、その場を「工芸青花」 @kogei_seika と言う日本の工芸シーンをリードしている専門誌でやろう!と、そう言う事で作品の撮影でプロジェクトに立ち会う役者の顔が揃いました。

photo: @chiaki_kasahara_


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