Steph Paccaのインスタグラム(steph_paccaa) - 9月1日 17時25分

I have been contemplating whether to post this or not for days because there’s so many things about this pic I keep thinking that I ‘hate’ about myself and would love to edit them out - which is really easy to do in today’s day & age. It’s so much easier to edit yourself to perfection and to change the things you don’t ‘like’ about you’re appearance when really those are the things you need to love, and if other people can’t see that it’s completely and totally normal to have scars, stretch marks, cellulite, fat rolls and whatever it might be then it really is just a reflection on themselves and their perception of beauty.
I have been posting photos of my body and the changes it’s gone through for over 6 years now on this platform and it is really hard to keep doing without having some sort of negativity thrown at me or insecurities about so many things. I just know that this is how I want to be seen, the natural me, not the version that’s misconstrued through Instagram because as you all should know - it’s a highlight reel, it’s the ‘best of the most’ and by that I mean OF COURSE we are going to pick out our best angles and use filters because it’s the norm. People get picked out and ridiculed for following trends or then for being themselves and being real. What is real to you?
I just hope you all understand that as you get older your body can go through changes drastically - as your life does. I’m not going to change for anyone, except for myself. Be proud of every inch of you and how far you have come to get there 🤍


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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