Acacia Brinleyのインスタグラム(acaciakersey) - 9月8日 03時56分

I heard it’s NICU awareness month, which fits perfectly for our nicu graduate who was born in September! Rosie spent a total of 14 days, 2 weeks, in the nicu. It was incredibly challenging and difficult for Jairus and I both. Learning how to care for such a special girl, being two hours away from our other baby, being terrified that at any minute more bad news was coming to us, and just having to deal with the incredibly hard task that is postpartum. It was hard watching the babies around you going home everyday and you were still there... sitting in that rocker holding onto your sweet baby just wishing that were you walking out those automatic doors. But what was even harder was seeing the families that had been there a lot longer than we had and going to stay there a lot longer after we were gone. Being a NICU parent or an ICU parent is easily one of the most difficult things you can go through as a parent. There’s no guidebook, there’s no “right” way to handle it or process it, you never truly heal, and in all honesty not one mom or dad knows what they’re doing. So, if you know a family going through this right now, reach out. Check in. Bring them a meal. They need really need it. If you don’t know a family in the unit but know a neo natal nurse, tell them they’re kick ass and a hero. Ultimately, just show love & kindness. NICU babies & families will always hold such a special place in my heart. We’re warriors❤️

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