イーライ・ロスのインスタグラム(realeliroth) - 9月13日 22時49分

Love this artwork by @devondraws for a @cavitycolors shirt. So many fun insane memories and such a crazy journey to get it made and released. I feel very lucky to have done it with a wonderful group of people who took a chance on a total unknown with no track record whatsoever and became lifelong friends. We made this movie on passion, faith, and a healthy dose of insanity. It’s one of the reasons I love helping new young filmmakers, whether it’s producing their films or with @crypttv, I’ll always remember how grateful I was for those who took that chance on me. Thanks for the anniversary love. #pancakes


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



