ニッキー・リードのインスタグラム(nikkireed) - 9月17日 00時26分

Night before last I got a call from a rescue I work with that a chicken farmer was going to shoot 15 puppies he couldn’t keep. He’s has two Mamas who are working dogs on the farm that accidentally got pregnant, but he didn’t want anything to do with the pups. Right now on top of full time work, and full time homeschool plus the animals we have, I need a foster litter like I need an elbow in my ass but of course I said yes. 😂🙈 Let me tell you, of the 200 + dogs I’ve fostered and rehabbed over the last 15 years, this is by far the sweetest, most gentle, soulful mama I’ve ever had the joy of cuddling. She needs a lot of love. Extra extra love. She is super skinny with scars all over her body from years of farm work. They came covered in fleas with worms and more. But @wagmorpets is amazing and they pulled together a super trooper team to help doctor these babies. I’m just one link in the chain, they are the real deal superheroes along with their team of volunteers and deserve your praise, follow, and support so please direct it there. More on this story as it unfolds, but for now be prepared for a ton of polar bear videos and middle of the night bottle feeding sessions coming your way. Ps on night one I thought this little guy wasn’t going to make it, but after feeding him one drop of milk at a time (literally) from my finger for 48 hours because he wouldn’t take bottle or syringe, he’s doing great! For now I’ve got these pups and all supplies but @wagmorpets is always looking for support so please follow their page for ways you can support. I know food and supplies are always needed! 🐨


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