まる(まるたろう)さんのインスタグラム写真 - (まる(まるたろう)Instagram)「今日は久しぶりにラジオまるちゃんだよ~。北海道釧路市の柴犬は茶色が好きさんからいただきました。「まるちゃんと同じ歳のわんこが家にいるんですけど、まるちゃんみたいに笑ったりしないし、階段も元気に登りません。どうすればいいですか」ふむふむ、まると同じ歳ってことはまあまあなシニアわんこだねえ。若さの秘訣を教えてあげるね。家族や他のわんことの遊びやコミュニケーション、お散歩での五感の刺激、これらが脳の老化を予防するんだ。お散歩に出て、日光を浴び、音を感じ、匂いをいっぱい嗅がせてあげてね。歩くのがしんどいようだったらカートに乗せて外に連れ出すだけでもいい刺激が受けられるよ!でも決して無理はさせず、そばにいるわんこの個性を大事にして一生愛してあげてください。 ✨🐶🤓✨  Good morning guys! This is DJ MARU. You are now listening to RADIO MARUCHAN. Let's start with a question from listener, "I have a dog of the same age as you. But he doesn’t laugh like you and doesn’t climb the stairs well. What should I do?" OK, I think your dog is classified as senior one. I'll teach you the secret of keeping one's youth. To play with family or dog friends, going for a sensory play walking, and making good cheer are good for your brain. Don't compare your dog to others, if you do so, you are insulting your dog. People who don't compare themselves with others are strong. Respect the individual personality of every single dog and stay with them now and forever. #動物愛護週間 #お肉の日もいい刺激になるよ」9月23日 8時58分 - marutaro

まる(まるたろう)のインスタグラム(marutaro) - 9月23日 08時58分


Good morning guys! This is DJ MARU. You are now listening to RADIO MARUCHAN. Let's start with a question from listener, "I have a dog of the same age as you. But he doesn’t laugh like you and doesn’t climb the stairs well. What should I do?" OK, I think your dog is classified as senior one. I'll teach you the secret of keeping one's youth. To play with family or dog friends, going for a sensory play walking, and making good cheer are good for your brain. Don't compare your dog to others, if you do so, you are insulting your dog. People who don't compare themselves with others are strong. Respect the individual personality of every single dog and stay with them now and forever.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





