The Berricsのインスタグラム(berrics) - 9月29日 08時06分

When this happened I was standing at the bottom of the hill and it was hard for me to see how it unfolded as they were kind of a blur. As I walked up the hill this car was there at the light. It was a man dressed in a nurse uniform. His window was down, I looked at him inquisitively as if to say, “what happened” and he just looked back at me and asked “is he okay?” But something about how he said it and how he was trying to angle his way around other cars at the light so he could quickly take a right and zoom off down the street seemed off. So I took a picture of his license plate just in case. As I walked up the hill this woman yelled at me and said “y’all need to stop doing that shit!” I didn’t reply. When I got up to where Le’Andre (skategoat) was I didn’t really know what happened. Then he told me, he felt the car intentionally swerved to try and hit him and so we looked back at the footage and sure enough, it did kind of look like that. But upon closer inspection maybe not. If Le’Andre wasn’t quick on his feet this would’ve caused irreparable damage to Le’Andre. Bombing the hill, whether it’s right or not, I’m glad he’s okay. Thank god nothing bad happened. Let this be a lesson learned... on all sides. We love you Le’Andre and we are really happy you’re safe. What do you all think? - sb #berrics UPDATE: I edited the copy to better reflect the feedback coming in. I think a lot of you are right, I think the driver swerved one way to avoid people in his right then saw Goat and swerved back and he was a probably really shook when I looked over to him and just didn’t know what to say. Good call people. Good feedback.


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