ファーン・コットンのインスタグラム(fearnecotton) - 9月30日 18時49分

This week I have been feeling agitated. There are some issues I feel I have little control over, like how so many are mentally suffering and losing their jobs, confidence and connection to others due to this pandemic. 🤯
Yet there are some issues, that are disturbing my sleep, that I feel I could impact in my own small way. I am constantly bamboozled when it comes to certain areas of the Instagram world. Although I love that it can be connective, dynamic, educational, lead to great awareness and change, it also frustrates me as a mother to two girls, my daughter and step daughter that there is so much emphasis on surface stuff. Some of the most influential people on here purely showcase picture perfect selfies, designer clothes and a certain life style. First up, if that’s what floats their boat fine, this is not an attack from me but where I feel I can help out is to start a conversation about how that information is processed by our human brain. Unfortunately these sorts of images lead to most of us believing, even if on a subterranean level, that if we have the poutiest lips, the most perfect hair, the peachiest arse, then we will reach some sort of mental utopia. These photos offer an empty promise. They’re a contrived snapshot in time with no depth. Pretty? Sure! But helpful to us individually? I doubt it. Why do we value the surface so much more than the story? Follow people that make you happy. I can give you some suggestions of people I believe should have the biggest followings on here... @samantharenke @henryfraser0 @anniejprice @howtoglitteraturd to name just a few. People who champion courage and joy and welcome conversation. As I’ve said this is not an attack on anyone merely a chance to look at what makes us feel good and what we are happy for the next generation to be influenced by. Another option is to put your phone down and get in nature. I feel so happy when I’m outside, much better than I would spending an hour scrolling through photos of smooth foreheads, shiny bums and contoured cheeks. I’m not saying I use insta perfectly but let’s continue this conversation and work out how we can put more emphasis on the story behind the photo.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




