Flaunt Magazineのインスタグラム(flauntmagazine) - 10月8日 08時59分

@dvsn dropped into the Chaos and Calm Issue in the midst of a stay at home summer which saw the release of album ‘A Muse in Her Feelings’.
In the interview, the duo shares on the importance of music during a year of such tumult.
“Now we’re doing shows,” says @nineteen85_, “and we’ll be one of the first acts to really try and figure out this whole drive-in thing, especially from our genre. I think that more than anything, I want people to feel like we’re one of them. Exactly how you feel is how we feel, which is why you relate to us when we make music. If nothing else, I want them to feel like dvsn stood with us. dvsn is one of us.”
Read more on flaunt.com.
1985 wears @ヒューゴボス coat, shirt, and pants.
Written by Saybin Roberson @saywooord
Photographed by @KristinaDittmar
Styled by @SkyeKelton
Style Director: @MuiHai
Groomer: @SierraEArtistry
Producer: @ChantelleBlagrove


#dvsn #chaosandcalm #Boss #HugoBoss


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