シェネルのインスタグラム(chenelleworld) - 10月27日 09時20分

Oh guys what an interesting journey this has been so far.. definitely not the norm...these last 2-3 months have been a whirlwind... packing, boxing, moving, airbnbing, celebrating finding out we’re having a girl, saying goodbyes, flying, traveling, trying to stay healthy and fit through it all too and then now 14days quarantine in a Perth hotel where we are not allowed out. Claustrophobic much?? Lol well glad to say we are ok.. I hit 28 weeks in here.. I’m now in my 3RD TRIMESTER!!!!!! I’m excited scared excited and mmmm grateful lol talk about a new chapter in life .. I think of all the mums out there and how they’re allllllll SUPERHUMAN to me.. creators of life... here’s to entering into the next phase of my pregnancy ... im so thankful for my hubs @gmadison4 for being by my side and keeping me full with love and support and dude .. ya not a bad photographer either hahaha this was a fun hotel room shoot. #QuaranTEAM #3rdtrimester #thirdtrimester


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