グッゲンハイム美術館のインスタグラム(guggenheim) - 10月28日 00時15分

Hi, we’re @forfreedoms and we’ll be taking over the Guggenheim Instagram account for the next two days leading up to the final program in our co-curated series Summer of Know on October 29: "Healing as Action," which will address how we heal at a fraught moment in the history of the United States and the world.

We are an artist-led organization that models and increases creative civic engagement, discourse, and direct action. We work with artists and organizations to center the voices of artists in public discourse, expand what participation in a democracy looks like, and reshape conversations about politics.

Our fall campaign #The2020Awakening is centered around our new four freedoms: listening, healing, awakening, and justice. We invite you join us to play the infinite game and spread the joy of voting and #civicjoy. The first step? Read our Infinite Playbook at ForFreedoms.org

Tune in at 2 pm ET today for an Instagram Live conversation between For Freedoms co-founders @hankwillisthomas and @michelinwoo.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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