サラ・フォスターのインスタグラム(sarafoster) - 11月3日 08時26分

“Mommy’s on an important zoom.”

So excited that two companies I’ve worked with for years are in business together: @GSQbyGlamsquad and @CVS_Beauty #ad. Erin and I have loved supporting CVS’ #BeautyUnaltered campaign because photo altering has gotten crazy and is contributing to self-esteem problems in young girls. So when I had a chance to work with CVS again, I immediately said yes. And then when I found out the new GSQ by Glamsquad satin Oversize Scrunchie and Eye Mask are designed to keep my hair healthy while I do nothing but sleep, I said hell yes. Who doesn’t love a matching satin scrunchie and eye mask? Spoiler alert: all my friends are getting this for Christmas.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




