アシュリー・ケインのインスタグラム(mrashleycain) - 11月7日 03時31分

Hello to my friends, my family and my followers! As you know my baby daughter Azaylia has a rare and aggressive form of AML leukaemia that’s made even rarer by her being only 8 weeks old when diagnosed. The odds were stacked against Azaylia because they also found tumours in her lungs, stomach and kidneys which made the doctors uncertain of how well she could cope with the treatment. Despite this, my precious girl has surprised everyone from myself and my partner, our family and even the doctors themselves with how strong she has been and how she has gone above and beyond with battling her illness and dealing with her treatment so far. She couldn’t possibly be any stronger and she’s doing it all with a smile on her face. Not to say she doesn’t have her bad days. 😔💔
However, doctors have recently informed us that down to the results of her earlier tests that because of the genetic type of leukaemia she has, no matter how well she copes with her chemotherapy and her recovery, the leukaemia will come back so she now is in desperate need for a bone marrow transplant. As she has an ethnic mix of Caribbean/Indian/White it is much more difficult for her to find a match. That being said, ANYBODY no matter what race could be her genetic match! My little warrior has done all she can do up until this point and more, but now she needs our help! She needs to find a bone marrow donor to give her the fighting chance she needs to potentially beat this terrible illness, ring the bell and return home with us as a family. 🙏🏾❤️
If this story has touched your heart and my little girl has inspired you, please register as a donor to potentially save her life and maybe thousands of others! 🙏🏾❤️
All you have to do is fill out a registration form from one of the links provided, do an oral swab test which will be sent to your home and return to the listed address. Something so simple, could save my daughters life! 🙏🏾❤️
Thank you for your consistent love, prayers and support for me, my family and my daughter. 🙏🏾❤️ #AzayliaDiamondCain


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