サイモンとマルティナのインスタグラム(eatyourkimchi) - 11月7日 08時55分

Geez, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve been non-stop-eating-comfort-food to get through this week’s level of world stress 🥴+ and my old collapsed ankle injury B U S T ME UP again. It always feels frustrating, like you JUUUUUUUST got over some other injury/event/symptom...and after 1-2 days of good—BAM something happens again 😒 So. Had a hobble day, had a grumpy day, then finally took a rest day. Ice. Netflix. Pain patch. Turned off the TV & internet and just chilled. I think I’ll treat myself to a delivery of delicious, bouncy DIM SUM and a side of suuuuper spicy Fried Tofu with Chinese Green Bean and Eggplants 🍆 hey y’all, just remember, even if you’re feeling really stressed out right now, remember how far you’ve come... by making it this far. Heck yes. Look back at all the days you’ve ALREADY tackled, like a boss 💪🏻 Now whatcha been eating? #buildaladder


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



